Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Zar THe Great
As I am a shy person and zucky was a “Chaadi Buddy” I refused to take credits for Facebook.(PS:zucky is Mark Zuckerberg).I still remember zucky was a great cook ,thougth the greatness was added by me eating the food. I also supplied with the daily “Up-down” air tickets to him so that he can come around my house and do some homework and cooking for me as I was busy in building LH Collide for my10th Std. School project.Poor chaps from CERN couldn't solve much of the theories.
I vaguely remember that I gave 5 million Rs. For the facebook project from my weekly pocket money.I still remember how much hard time I had going to school by car and that too in an 2 months old Audi A5. (Oh! Haven't I told you I flied to the school.).Zucky was a brighter than some lot,some of them didn't even know how to write a linux kernel.Silly people seriously!That was the reason I allowed zucky to use Zar OS,the operating system to build on the facebook code I made. He is still awestruck by that OS and sometimes looks at its awesomeness too,just for getting inspiration.
Last year In movie “The social network” they even tried to frame me against zucky.I had to call Obama and stop the movie.Then the producer came to senses and removed my part.The name facebook also struck because of me,because my face is so informative like a big book.I gave the code name facebook and saved it to my 64 Gb pen drive(I used it as spare one. USB 3.0 version).It was painfully slow,the copy took 1.4 seconds to transfer. I had to check my PC all over to get back to millisecond speed.
I'll talk about my other supreme inventions later,as zucky is today guest cook at my place.Food is calling me.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Galaxy S II :Geek's Poem
If you are litrature geek and you are into some high class polished volcab poems.Galaxy S II might give you inspiration for the best poem of your life.
When samsung decided to create something larger than life,they knew they had to work like dogs.But belive me somewhere even god fell in love with this tech beauty and extended a magical hand.Its a love at first sight when you switch on the super AMOLED plus display,its a child like feeling of seeing a rainbow.The screen might be having less resolutions than apple iphone but the deep blacks and contrast makes you go gaga over it.
The screen quality makes your eyes pleased.Colors are more natural and gives the user an exotic experiance.Watching videos and movies is mind blowing experiance.The monster of a phone is suited up with 1.2 Ghz Dual Core Cortex.And believe me, it can outrun some of the PCs as well. With RAM of 1 GB it provides silk smooth performance. Multitasking is something that this droid will be in history books for.There might be some difficulties if you are directly jumping on to the Android bandwagon.
Gingerbread 2.3.3 is one of the sleekest updates.Internet experience is top notch.Downloads are smooth.There are ample amount of options for internet connectivity.Wi-fi have some problems at times, but the next update is likely to solve it.HSPDA works well and gives good speeds.Google integration is eye candy.From gmail to G+ and contacts,maps,latitude.Market has variety to offer in any range of apps.From small utilities to fancy widgets.
Telephony and messaging are impressive.Managing contacts and merging them with online accounts is easy.Messaging stays in conversational view and it is very convenient for chat addicts.File attachments has many options with messages.Text input can be in many languages as well as swype too.Group creation,smart dialing facilities are also available.Hardware in telephony is nice.
Music sound is not loud,but it has clarity.The player is very good,easy to navigate around.There is not enough re verbs in sounds.Overall also I feel all the droids need improvement in sound dept.
Talking about Images,8 mp camera lives up to the expectations.Contrast and colors are wonderful.LED Flash is powerful.A main glitch is not having a dedicated camera key.1080p vid recording does deal with out of the world quality.
So,if you are ready to spill in extra buck for the greatest smartphone ever.Be ready to deal with the best in the industry.Because for this genius phone smartphone is an understatement.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The fast and The furious
No,This is not at all any thing about the racing movie series or the latest edition of the races. So don’t expect I’d be writing about Vin Diesel’s or Dwyane Jhonson’s acting skills. Before a month World cup and was the buzzword and an IN fashion statement,but as the seasons comes and goes the style statement has changed. The next big thing in india is Fasting.Everyone is doing it let’s zoom into the picture and have a look whos fasting and who are the furious ones.
The Fast
In the month of may a social activist Anna Hazare started an indefinite fast to protest the corruption and make a better structured Lok Pal Bill for anti-corruption. He held the Indian Gvot. By its toes. Thousands joined the fight,but there was a large question looming. Did they knew fulley what are they fighting for. No doubt they were following a clean leader but still for they future they always had to know that what is going around. In the end gvot. Had to bow down.
As in 1947 english people left India to be an independent country, they left some trends. Same way round as Anna Hazare built a road many constructors and followers were born out of it. Suddenly fasts popped out from every where.A guy in MP who is an gvot. Officer started a fast against corruption.In Mumbai an activist Medha Patkar Started hunger strike against the slum removal in Mumbai.Thats all the state and national level,even in my city there a whole street having tents of different fasts for the different causes that widens from street repairing to support baba ramdev to what not .Recently Baba Ramdev has threatened to go on fast if his demands of removing corrutption,recovering black money etc will not be satisfied.
The Furious
The main villan in all the plays of the fast is government structures of various levels.They are as furious as Sholey’s Veeru and in a way their hands are tied too. As the tendency of media they give these fasts and huge boost by photoshopping the real picture and making it a masala movie form a documentary film. The effect of this is on general public and they start to blame the gvot. And think that the fast is valid and some might go and join the fast too.
Against the public demand and fear that if something might happen to one of the personnel who are carrying the fast gvot. Has to give in. At some extent they are at fault too,igoring these issues and getting the solutions delayed. At one corner of their mind they might have had a scare that bubble might burst one day.And the shirty public might hover over them.
There is a class too in public that belives that fast might be a very expressive and if the cause is not properly defined it might just be the blackmailing tool.Anna Hazare’s fast was very justified one. But imagine people going on fast for road repairs. And recently on TV I saw in a very popular comedy soap kids going on to the fast for cricket kit. Now what will happend if everyone goes on to fast. And for reasons like getting food,getting the first android. Some might even turn to professional protesters. They might not be knowing the cause and just joinig for money. And some might be going for fun too. Medha Patkar said that ,
” Baba Ramdev's agitation was "expensive". "Such expensive agitations show a different face of protest. We are also against corruption, but such an expensive agitation by spending crores is inacceptable”
So till now Fast,which was a weapon against bad has been manipulated and converted into an weapon of blackmailing to some extent. As the Fight against the bad should continue with fast, People and Govornment should deal with the fasts which are unnecessary and inspired by political means.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Magical Mumbai
“City of Dreams”, thats what the word they use when people like to mention Mumbai. Everyday thousands get dazzled even to the sight of it. Thousands of writers have written praises, some have shooted bad words about it. But Mumbai is a thing “You make love it ,you may hate it but its a drug ,you have to take it.”
I had my first trip to Mumbai when I was a li’l kid.But Still Mumbai magic bit me since that day I first saw the beauty. I don’t remember the exact films of memories down the lane of my first visit. But It seem deep inside that I bonded with the city like a fast friend. I always cherished the line “I am in Mumbai and I’m waiting for a miracle” from Raghu Dixit’s song. Yes! Miracles happens there. Believe it or not if you have visited the city and havn’t felt like being a mumbaikar,consider that you havn’t visited the city yet.I had very few visits in 90s.But I remember the 96’ visit the most.
The Cricket world cup was going on and by chance on of my papa’s uncle was working in coca-cola. As a kid you always fancy things that are even remotely connected to the cricket field. As I had to leave the city early I didn’t get the chance to see any matches ,but at that time a huge cricket ball,the mascot of the world cup was used as a drinks trolley on the ground . I got to see that in person and inside too,for a six year chap it was a worth telling story making his friends jealous.
Mumbai was the city of many firsts for me. Seeing celebs to doing thing a small town boy would have never imagined to do. Food was one of the main attractions to go to Mumbai. In the 90s when there are less No. Of food chains were in existence, frankies,softies and some specialties in desserts were gold coins in the bank. I had my first vanilla with chocolate sauce there and tibbs frankies has always been my favourites.As my relative’s home where I used to stay was in dadar, I had a 5 minutes distance from a holy ground where Sachin Tendulkar started his career.And still many of the cricketers that make the scene do take the first step of the sport on the vary ground.I bet if you can correctly find out which fielder is playing which match and placed where. Swarms of matches are played and its not just the cricket its football and volleyball included too.The area has seen heaps of changes over the years making it more classical and beautiful only.
By the time the early trips ended Mumbai had cemented the place of the favourite city in my heart! The Mumbai bug had bit me.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Fashion Vs Style
You see a 11 memeber football team coming out from the tunnel and playing every game with a force. Football is fashion for them,but their playing is style. They play in liu to achive the heights of the game, to fulfil the passion the world is painted in,but to fulfil the passion their paths are very different. Every team has their unique style and thats what makes them in fashion, in popularity.
There are many concerts held across the world in a year. Everytime you see a band or an orchestra playing. There are concerts of the artists that performs normally solo,but when they are playing less number of people are noticing the artists or the band members that are playing or performing with the lead. What happened there? Did the aura or the charisma is less! No ways bands are always popular but there is a style of a persona who is leading the front.You can count that person as the captain of the ship.
Style is normally personified version of fashion. But style encompasses fashion, and also transcends it.Many people have wardrobes that is envied,but if the person having an Armani does not carry him self to the essence of the cloth, It is a waste. Instead buy a street smart jeans and t-shirt and draw the attention. Style is fitting in your own brand of shoes. Though the fashion of the age might just say you gotta wear the boot cut trousers, but you’ve tried that once and that makes you look like a joker in the circus. Ditch the though of being out of fashion. Wear something cool that you are comfy in. It might just be a pair of shorts or a scarf or may be even a wristband that’ll dazzle you out.
Style can create fashion,but its less of a possibility that fashion makes a style.Fashion is place related. You might have a bike that is adorable at a place,but when you go to some other it may be oridinary. But a rider’s style is that normally makes the bike in thing. When you start making extra ordinary out of ordinary you are definitely a stylish person.
You can imagine a scenario that two persons owning BMWs. One gets out of it with some misfit clothes and you think how can these people manage to get BMW or doesn’t companies deny them giving the car that is fashion statement and a ill-styled person ruins it. And someone with a three piece suit with lather black shoes and blackberry in hand does make the car look like tied with him.
Men are in fashion but its upto the person who flaunts the muscles of the brain and becomes stylish superman.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Window Seat
Journey is a part of life and life is a journey! These quotes are very old and clichéd,but there are some special memories related to some places in journeys. Be it bus,be it train or car. The seat everyone wants is a window seat.
Window seats are the like the premium seat in a movie theatre or VIP boxes in stadiums. There is lot of feeling behind it. Window seat are not just the seats to get because you can get some good air. There are many more thoughts and reasons linked behind it.Bus or trains have world of their own and there lives a world outside it. Windows are the gateways between them. While you feel the inner world but you can see the world which is moving. Sometimes you are sad but you don’t want others to see it window seats provides you the comfort to cry upon the shoulders of it. And it even makes you realise that how beautiful the world you have been living in. You see the thing you have never seen though you have lived many years in the city.
There are times when you see something and you have nostalgia moments. I have seen people lying on window seat,lost in the other world-the world of flashbacks or the world of dreams. Smiling foolishly at the though of some one special. When you are listning to songs sitting on window seat and a song makes you miss people you’d like to be in this journey.In a short journey you may catch the train of your life’s journey.
Get on to a train or bus today,fight for a window seat look out side and feel the life which is wonderful!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Royal Wedding: Indian Style
The word that is spread around the world,the Tv channels are going to cover it live in HD.There are everything discussed about.But have you had a wackiest of thought what would have happened if the wedding was in india! Lets get some Royal Band baaja baarat!
First of all TV channels would claim to be the first to get the coverage of ‘feras’. They would show how the love story evolved and also the SPECIAL EPISODES that the channel has telecast on the issue.Number of numerologist,tarot card readears and pundits would be matching the ‘kundlis’ matching the numbers and predicting the marriage,child,health,wealth and what not even the couple or the family members had though about.
News channels would also cover things with breaking news tag such as “Kya Rajwadi khandan ko namajur thi ye bahu?” or “Kya ye aurat pehle se hi rajkumar ki biwi hai?” and numerous things like that.Social Activist would be condemning the act of marriage because they would be using some anti-animal,anti-cultural things like a saree made from animal fur which is short by 3\4’’ so its against Indian culture.
So called wedding experts will be EXPLAINING the rituals taken place in royal wedding.There would be SMS contests to win a chance to dine with William or Kate Sponsered by lal dantmanjan.There would be interviews specially of people who were not invited to wedding,and they would also wish the couple heartily(read cursing under the breath). The priest would be interviewed Live india to know the authenticity and selection procedure of priest. There would be news flash of the caterers being decided and the big fat ‘mahraj’ would be shooted questions of what he would be making,how,in which dishes he would serve etc…
Ekta kapoor would also promise to make a daily soap named ‘kate kkkiii kahaaaani-rajkumari ki premkatha’. Ashutosh Gowarikar might sue the royal wedding people over same story line and time of his film.There would be songs like ‘band baaja baraat’ and ‘kajrare’ instead of some English orchestra.If there was live commentary shashtri would say,”I ‘m getting the feeling that they might just kiss now,does they? Yes they do.”. Shiddhu would comment,” Wedding in india is like masala on papad my firend, you take out the masala and the taste goes sour!”
This is just the trailer,Imagine the movie, Indian Istyleeee!Wednesday, April 6, 2011
‘Silence the violence increase the peace’
Read this quote on a friend’s tee and liked it very much.Silence is the ultimate violence for the masses. It does not literally kill you,and make you bleed. But it is implosive violence. Like a poison it spreads through your veins.
No! I am not against silence,I like it too some times. But the overdose of silence make you wonder the things you shouldn’t . Make you go the killer ugliness where light haunts you more than the dark. You want to people around you, but when you are around people you feel irritated.
Silence is like flowing water. It can take any direction with any force. It may sound a medley one day and the other day you want to get away from it. Silence with someone special gives you moments of joy. And silence before the selection of a cricket team for a cricket player is killing. Some times with silence you get to enjoy a loads of quality time with you. To analyze and asses you self, but too much time alone may turn into assassin.
The best ideas might have born into the mute period. Remember always something is created from nothing. Thats how this universe works and created. Silence give your mind the force to work upon. It may show you a clear path ahead to get towards your goal.
Silence can be volte-faced with it self, taking metaphors and sneaking through the minds to think differently ever time they tackle the silence. Greats have always been silent than talking, but remember there are storms too which comes after silence. A good though might turn into a bad deed when you are silent. It gives you space to run wherever you want to. But its upto you that you pick up a path which leads you to the ray of light and kill the violence.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Alternative Careers For Ponting
So,finally a bandwagon that was running too smoothly has been,stopped.After 3 editions world cup.And An arrogant ,foulmouthed but successful captain’s world cup career has been ended.With ‘Aashirwad’ Of cricket Australia He will be stripped of captaincy soon after the world cup.And If he retires He’ll have a few career options for him.Let’s take a insight what he might do when he hangs his shoes.

First for time being he can worship ‘GOD’ tendulkar and pay for everthing bad he told Indian team in public or ground.
We all know that ponting broke LCD tv after Zimbabwe match,there was a lot of discussion about his anger management and disclipne,but harldy anyone knows that the company made ponting repair the lcd tv,instead of just taking the money. Beacuse they wanted ponting to know that how much they worth their tv.So ponting can go back to Australia and can be famous tv repairer.Having the shop name as ‘Motera TV SHOP’ , after all that is the venue of start of his new career
Historic Picture of broken TV by Ponting
And yeah how can we forget the casions, after all he has the all famous ‘punter’ tag attached to his name. He can gamble in casinos and he can also collaborate with akshay Kumar and make housfull 2.
The one bright side of that film would be if that film does not fare well in India it can work in Australia at least. He can also be a bookie and start with some basic spot fixing than moving on to the bigger scams. He is also willing to join the institute of spot fixing of prof.salaman butt.
And for post graduation He’ll be joining K.R institutes of scams (Kalamadi & Raja) in India.
Now because of his too much blabbering on field and off field he can be great on Indian TV (He loves TV very much!).He can try to get into big boss house and challenge dolly bindra one on one for the mouth dual (other wise in wrestling dual even khali denied fight her because of her screaming finishing move).
He can also try rakhi ki adalat on solving internal issues of Pakistani cricket team (Quite a blast it would be).
Another option would be to give auditions of roadies kind of show,where he can use sledging to his advantage.Though in audtion raghu would say,”saale aukat kya hai teri 15-20 century mari to kya sachin ban gaya tu!tu sabse bada loser hai!aj tak.....(these things may very with loads of beeps)
If not any thing he’ll be hired by center fresh guys,kyuki center fresh zubaan pe lagam lagata hai !
PS:Lady gaga will come up with a new song called po po po ponting face popopo ponting face
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
What would’ve happened if we had DRS in real life?
First thing indian people would review decision would be increase in petrol price and onion price.
The intelligent Tv watchers would hold a stand against ekta kapoor and other soaps, only people might oppose this, may be some glycirine compnies(they are the most benifitted industry) and some die hard soap lovers. And don’t be mistaken that only house views watch these shows. Creepily some of my class mates in colleges even used to watch ‘banoo mai teri dulhan’.To which we almost got heart attack.
The musical world might just have a review against justin biber, and the review might also include the gender test. The gender of bieber has remained such mystery that even people have kept aside decoding mona lisa.
Student community might have much benefit of this facility,they can appeal against exams or paper checking. And if and there is any action on mass bunk that can be referred as well. There might be a issue for girls,If a guy proposes any girl other boy can oppose the decision of girl no matter positive or negative.
Service class will raise appeal against Overtime, no bonus like issues. And specially getting a quality entertainment at office. One of the most interesting reviews would be in home when some one wants to watch cricket some cartoon and some might want to see bhajans instead of bhajji.
Kids can review the pocket money decision . Wives can stay put on NO to negative response of shopping outing. We always have regrets to some decision in lives we can review that, think of a day that went bad review that and have fun thinking of might-be decisions.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A letter By youth
HI,that may sound a new version to you but we replaced hello with that.U may frwn @ dis kinda enlgish or lingo what u called language.But we wanna tell u that the change is unstoppable,unavoidable.You may have though it at ur older gen too.May have angered upon them nt understanding you but now ur in thier place.We just wanted to tell that we are not angry upon ur thoughts
we respect them but thoguts always modify in ways.
In ur days u found bell bottoms and MJ-elvis as hippy and telphones as luxury.But times change techonology is now new connector techno music has taken its place cassattes have beacome cds and walkman has become walkman unwiried.tech is the nessecity today its fast it cool yet it effective.You may think that we have forgot our real world our self in the midst of our technology,actually you are wrong.We are findin our self in it,surfing is our soul searching,e-mailing is new letter writing picassa has replaced albums and vcd liabrary has been shot dead by youtube.
You may complain that kids today read books less,nah!dnt even think that,we have ebooks and loads of resources that makes reading more interesting google says there is every day around 32,675 e book downloads that means a lot of reading aint it!Authors and content may have been replaced,writers are more bold there may be more kisses and smooches in books but there are also statements that makes appeal,makes ur brain twist.Ur brain screams out on that,Hey ur correct!
You may complain that you have forgotten ur culuture we have merged our culuture,always remember that mordenism is not westernism.Its to step up with the trend,walk with the world get ahead of the herd.We dont mind our leaders wearing levi's and tommy hilfiger.They must be doing they work.We dont mind if they listen to LP and eminem if they are working for our country.And thats globalization too.World is getting short its now "www".Social meets are now orkut and facebook.We connect here we share our feelings here.Internet has it all laughter,masti,love,tears,heartbreaks.We feel free,open in front of the screen chattin and talking with out ebuddies.
We just wanted to say that we still remember what we are.We may be speaking english but we respect sanskrit and hindi.We love cheeze pizza but vada pav ki baat hi kuch aur hai.We may be supporting manchester united but indian cricket team is our priority.We may be being affactionate in public but we know our limits and wont disgrace our parents.We may be talking in study in abroad but ask ne youth of india they are ready to step up for the country netime,nwhow,neday.Just ask!thnk abt this,we are just chaging a bit but fir bhi dil hai hindustani!tc..
From www.ipodgenindia
Monday, February 28, 2011
Soul on the wheels
If you are a biker you don't worry where you gonna end up as long as long as road runs along with you.You don't worry about who you are,how much money you have,how much have you achieved in life and such serious things.You just tend to enjoy that heavenly feeling of riding your two wheeler and burning some rubber down the asphalt.
There was a scene in movie avatar where a na'vi--a pandroian connects to a horse with his tail when he rides it.He needed not to guide that fellow around by anything.It just read his mind.Same thing is with bikes you need to connect to your machine.When a true biker rides his thing,the rider and bike are not two different parts they are one part.You feel the road through its tires.Engine's gruel is you voice.The accelerator is your speed and world is your playground,you just need to fly.
I don't have a flashy ride to boast with,but I like biking.Though I might just have a 100 cc spelendor,I feel road is mine much more than a R15 or a pulser rider.Though I might not be able to buy a harley davidson,I like the sound of my engine.I might not be a racer but, when i ride my blood mixes with petrol.
I have been riding since 7-8 years,with friends to beaches and picnic spots.With father to distant destinations.Sometimes alone to wander and find my self around,Sometime with professional bikers in rallies.Reasons were different but motive was one--to ride.No matter which bike I had to ride,I enjoyed,had some stops,had some falls but that's part of journey.If your journey is too smooth as a biker there is something wrong,a hint of joy that you missed.You missed a laugh,sharing with you friends laughing off the hurdles you had.
There is still a li'll difference,when you ride with Friends,you ride for just joy.And when I went to mumbai,I did a few Rallies with MBA--mocha bike association,A biker group my cousin Nishant is member of.And boy they do have passion for bikes!I felt at that time,this is what you call biking.I had heard of em' of course but to get a feel to ride with them is a totally a different experiance all together.Its like hearing songs in you headphones and Headbanging with the live ones in the concert.And here the music was the sound of bullets and harleys!
I went to one ride on my own riding a 350 cc bullet machismo,believe me when you ride this beauty first time you really feel raw power with butter smoothness beneath the hood.As the MBA group is of 350+ cc bikes,you get to see some real power rangers.Bikes which you nornally dream owning.MBA has charisma of its own,creating tunes with engine roars and horns.If you are a biker its mozart to your ears.In future I wanna do a long ride with them,surely a memorable one it'll be.Its like playing into EPL for a footballer to be with them.A dream of a biker devil!
Biker is alive till he rides with his heart,the day he rides with his mind,biker within him dies at that instance.So let your heart ignite,let you soul ride n keep rollin'!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Small Joys
We in our whole life has some big goal that might give you tons of happiness on achiving them but they take time. While swimming to one shore to other we need to have small gulps of air in between to have it in us to get to the destination. Smalljoys are the same things in our life to get us through the tough time and get to the goal.
When we are kids we enjoy holding father's finger while walking.A smile of joy of a tune playin on tv while we don't understand even the words of it.Getting a favorite toy without having a birthday.A tasty dish cooked in home.Riding the cycle first time without anyone holding the backside.
Eating a chocolate from fridge sneakingly away from mom's eyes.Saving your ass from teacher with a fake headache for undone homework and then winking at a friend.Talking with a friend without saying a word,where eyes speak every thing and mouth forms a beautiful grin no one can snatch away from you.
A friend trying to make you laugh at his result knowing that you are sad because of your bad result. Proving someone wrong in a small matter and then have I-am-the-king expression on the face.Helping someone to cross the road.Making a child smile.Imagining some one you love when you here a song.Playing a guitar chord right.
Getting your first friend in college.Planning a nightout but turn out to be a hillarious fiasco.Classmates linkging you with a beautiful gal.Your crush messeging you on an unxpected time.Getting a new phone.Making a highscore in a game.Making a new friend in local train.Getting your first salary.Meeting an old friend.Having a roadside chai and talk about millions.Swearing on opposite team when india win.
Ways are many,smiles are handy,just find the way to earn the small joy candy