Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Late Goodbye -Part1

He kicked his wagon in fury. He absolutely not approved of her coming with him. There was a huge risk,and she was unaware. In his mind the time was ticking. Death would be coming after him any moment,any second. And he didn't want Angela to be in the affair with death.

She was still sitting inside and laughing on Carl. This was only chance to woo the man of his dreams. From her childhood she was very stubborn. She would hold on to it till she get it. He finally gave in. It was already getting dark. Hue of the setting sun leaving orange spots on the sky. They started the unknown journey. He wondered where this would lead to. A horror in his mind, a beauty in front of her eyes.

They met five hours ago in a bar. There was no love at first sight affair. It was like a piping hot coffee being stirred and made strong. Two interesting strangers met in a breezy evening. Bored of the day he had,she was the spark he needed.

Carl was always flirtatious,but in a soothing manner. She was out going,not so easy to please. But there are some men whose magic is universal, 2 beer cans down they were talking about their life, their most weird deeds. Weird for others,normal for them. He told Angela about the adventure he was going to do. He made things up to make it exciting. Carl didn't wanted a women, a women that he was dissolving in, to know he was going to face death.

She had been up for a challenge always. She told him,” Take me to this quest, I want an escapade to find my self”.

He laughed openly. She was staring him with a mixture of attraction and mystery. Adoring his laugh and irritated by its gist. He told him,” I always do this alone. I am the lonely rider”

She opened her jacket zip sensually,”Well,sometimes you need partners for something” she said with a tip of lust.

Carl smiled mockingly,” These tricks don't work on me sweet heart!” . She gave him the puppy face look.

Somehow Carl found her more taking than she look. A part of him always wanted someone besides her and she was fit to play that character. “But on this journey?” his mind questioned and brought him back to reality.

By the time Carl found his senses, she was gone. He was startled. She was at the door, playing with his keys. His emotions mixed. He was smiling outside,scared inside.

She ran to his wagon opened it and sat inside.”Now you have no options dude”. Take me or leave me. He though about it a lot. There was a exciting perspective,but life would be hitting dead end. He kicked his wagon with fury.

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